Last Updated on August 10, 2021 by Team CrazyJackz
Some women claim that their man misses them so badly even if they leave them just for a few hours..
On the other hand, some women express their grief that their man doesn’t even care if they leave them no contact for weeks.
So, why is this happening? When does a man start to miss you actually? What is the backstory behind it? If so how long does it actually take for a man to realize that he misses you?
Digging deep into a man’s mind: The connection between emotions and a man missing you
Whenever you are talking with your man..
Whenever you are spending time with your man..
You are creating a particular series of emotions in him. when you try to read a man’s mind, you’ll understand that, whenever a man misses a woman, he is not missing the woman. In fact, he is actually missing the emotions the woman generated.
Yes, this is the biggest truth agreed by many relationship experts, which many people don’t even know.
Whenever a person misses someone, it is actually the person missing the emotions generated by the other, but not actually the physical person. See This sends a SHIVER up a man’s spine if he’s pulling away from you

If not why do you think, you’ll recover from a breakup as soon as you find out a new interesting partner? This is because the previous love emotions were again being generated by the new person. And thus, you no longer miss the emotions or your ex.
Let me explain. Imagine, You have a loyal friend. He generates certain unique emotions in your mind, whenever you spend time with him. So, when you move on to a new city, you will start to miss those unique emotions (as you got used to them). Now, if you find a new loyal friend, with almost the same characteristics, guess what will happen? As time pass by, the same emotions will be generated in your mind and you will no longer miss your old friend at all. Contrary, if you did not find a new friend, you will tend to miss your old friend and feel that you are missing him as a person.
Thus, everything here boils down to a single core point.. “emotions”
Yes, if a man misses you, this clearly means that you created certain unique emotions in his past, which he is unable to get over them now. Thus emotions are the key to determine when a man will miss you and whether he is going to miss you or not
So, When does a Man start to miss you? 4 Things that determine everything:
Whether, if you want to generally know when a man misses a woman.. or even if you want to make your man miss you. You need to know 4 crucial things.
Additionally, even for your lingering inner doubt “how long does it take for a man to realize that he misses someone“, just ask these 4 crucial things yourself. See The Mirror Technique that will make your man miss you like crazy
1. Are the triggered emotions positive or negative?

One of the important factors that determine, whether a man will miss you or not is the positivity of the emotions generated in him. I have already told you, people miss emotions, not the humans. Thus you need to understand that, for the man to miss you, the emotions generated in him must be positive.
For example, if you both are in a relationship and spending a lot of good time together, you will be creating extreme positive emotions in him. On the other, if your relationship is filled with fights, it is nothing but creating negative vibes in him.
Thus the more positive emotions you triggered in your man, the more he is likely to miss you in your absence.
2. How strong are these emotions?

Tell me will you have the same emotions when you went to a restaurant, and when you went on a speedy roller coaster. Definitely no, the emotions when you are on a roller coaster will be a lot stronger. Thus, these strong emotions create deep impressions in one’s mind, making it hard for your man in your absence.
So, the more exciting things you did together, the more you will have an impact on your man. And obviously, these strong emotions, as I said play a large role in your man to miss you in your absence. See How to “activate” his male ego to make winning your love an irresistible challenge.
3. Is there any replacement for these emotions?

This is another most important thing you need to know while determining when and how your man will start to miss you. For this, we need to understand that certain emotions are triggered by only certain people in our life. For example, the selfless love generated by parents are very much unique and cannot be found/replaced by other people in our life.
The same applies here too. For example, if you both spend time with just daily talks, he may not miss you that much when you leave you. This is because he can discuss these with anyone and thus the emotions you generated can be easily replaced. On the other hand, if you are in a serious relationship, and you both get intimate whenever you meet, the chance of your man missing you is very high. So just evaluate whether your intimacy with your man is irreplaceable or not.
4. How important are these emotions in his life?

As a woman, you should not think that what applies to you.. applies to men also. Yes, unlike women, men give lesser value to relationships and love in their lives when compared to women. For any given man, he has a number of things in life like career, earning money, and also love.
So, let us imagine, You and a man have a mutual crush on each other. Now, whenever you are spending time with your man, you are creating 3 emotions in him.. excitement (as a date), feeling understood (by sharing feelings), and romantic feelings (as a future partner).
Now, how important are these three emotions in your man’s life? One man, he might think that career is the most important thing in his life. On the other hand, another man, who had a bad relationship life, may feel these 3 emotions to be very important to him now.
Thus, your man’s mindset, do play a key role in knowing about a man’s thoughts about missing you.
So, the next time, if you want your man to miss you, or to know when he misses you.. just try analyzing and understanding the emotions that were created.
You want him to miss you..
But just imagine what if your attempts fail and he gets even more distant.
If at all any such thing happens, this will become your scary nightmare and a deadly pre-stage of an excruciating separation forever.
If you want to get your man with a surefire strategy that has never resulted in failed (ever). If you want to make him miss you so strongly, that he will love you again and again forever.
Here is what to do..

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