Last Updated on July 5, 2022 by Team CrazyJackz
A person’s zodiac sign and his behavior patterns always have a very close relation.
Thus understanding these zodiac behavior patterns is the key to make a man miss you.
So, coming to the point of this article.. How to make a cancer man miss you? How to make him attracted to you, chase you, and finally be attached to you forever?
In order to make a cancer man miss you, first, you need to know the exact actions and behavioral patterns of a cancer man. See The Mirror Technique that will make your cancer man miss you like crazy
6 Cancer man Behaviour patterns and Characteristics:
Characteristic 1: A Cancer man expects a Lot of importance to be given to him.
Characteristic 2: A Cancer man does have trust issues.
Characteristic 3: A Cancer man is very sensitive to being ignored.
Characteristic 4: For a cancer man it is very very hard to forget or forgive.
Characteristic 5: A cancer man may sometimes control you for good.
Characteristic 6: A cancer man cannot move on to new relationships easily.
So, coming to the key point.. How to make a Cancer man Miss you?
Now, in order to make a cancer man miss you, all you need do is act completely in accordance with the above-discussed behavior patterns and then pull away at right time.
Don’t worry I’ll tell you how to do it exactly and how you can play the safe game without losing him.
Basically, you need to perfectly follow 2 steps to make your cancer man miss you.
Step 1: Make him feel the butterflies by basing your actions on his behavior patterns.
Step 2: Pull away a little bit playing a safe game without losing your man. See Use this little-known sequences of words to make a Cancer man obsess over you.
Step 1: Make him feel the butterflies by basing your actions on his Characteristic behavioral patterns:
See, you may have already seen many websites which bombard you with some absolute non-sense, which are in no way practical. But I at crazyJackz only give you practical conclusions that are true to real life.
Characteristic 1: A Cancer man expects a Lot of importance to be given to him:
Yes, a cancer man expects a lot of importance to be given to him. In simple he desires special treatment from people and especially from a woman whom he has feelings for.
So, You need to start giving him a lot of priority. All you need to do is make him feel that he is the most important person in your life. You can give him some special gifts. You can also intentionally mention to him that he is special to you. For example, if you are talking to him late at night, you can intentionally tell him that you have never talked to someone at that time of the night.

Additionally, I’ll reveal another secret weapon. Remember, One of the key ways to impress a cancer man is to make him feel special attention, especially when you are in a group. For example, when you are out with a big gang/group of friends, spend your whole time with your man. Give the special treatment to your cancer man right in front of your group and see the spark in his eyes.
Characteristic 2: A Cancer man does have trust issues:
Another common trait of a cancer man is trust issues. A cancer man can’t easily trust anyone and they are even more doubtful in case of relationships. Thus you need to break this barrier hardly. And once he starts trusting you, you’ll see a lot more love from him.

You can simply break his trust issues by mentioning every detail of your life. Also, add all the day-to-day activities you are doing. For example, if you are planning to get a new dress, or your family is currently having a money crisis, what not tell him everything.
All you need to do is make him feel that you are the most loyal person he ever had in his life. Remember it’s not that easy to gain the trust of a cancer man, so you might be even willing to reveal all your secrets and even passwords.
Characteristic 3: A Cancer man is very sensitive to being ignored:
Just try to ignore a cancer man and see what happens.. Simply he will leave you forever. Yes, cancer men are very sensitive to being ignored and thus you must never ever do it, even if you are busy.

In case if you ignored him unintentionally, be prepared with a dramatic emotional story on why you are forced to ignore him.
Characteristic 4: For a cancer man it is very very hard to forget or forgive:
Although I mentioned this behavior trait as number 4, this is one of the most important things you must never forget, when dealing with a cancer man.

A cancer man takes a very very long time to forget or forgive a person. I have seen a number of cancer men leaving people forever, even for the small mistakes they have done. So, be very careful and think twice, as your simple actions may hurt your cancer man very deeply.
Characteristic 5: A cancer man may sometimes control you for good
Another common trait of a cancer man is the ‘controlling behavior’. A cancer man strongly wants their loved ones to do things the way he likes. He believes/assumes that a particular path is good and thus strongly forces their loved ones to go this path.

Image:Giuseppe Milo via Flickr cc2.0
Sometimes, this can go up to a little extent and may feel like obstructing your freedom. So for keeping your cancer man attached, you first need to accept his control over you. You can even act a bit innocent and accept he is your helping hand. Thus this makes him feel the manly boost and he starts getting attracted to you.
Characteristic 6: A cancer man cannot move on to new relationships easily:
One of the most loyal people among all zodiac signs is cancer. Cancer men are so loyal and almost won’t leave you unless you hurt them deeply. So, once he trusts you and gets attracted to you, it is almost like he will never leave you alone.

As he is a loyal partner, make sure you keep your worth high. The more he perceives your value, the more he feels excited about being with you. So keep your score high by regularly telling him how men like you, how you are the charming girl in a party etc etc.
Step 2: Pull away a little bit playing a safe game (without losing your cancer man):
Remember, unless you don’t pull away at the right moment, you are not at all giving your man the space to miss you. Also, You need to understand that the more a cancer man misses you the more he falls in love with you. In fact, this is the time, when you are indirectly creating a stir of emotions in him. And Yes, This is the key step in making your man miss you.
Note: Pulling away from a cancer man is very risky. So you need to play a safe game. Or else it may cause trust issues, trigger anger (because of ignoring), and believe me, he may even leave you forever.
So, Just as you successfully did step 1 based on cancer man character patterns, you also need to pull away based on his inherent attitude.
First things first: Strongly create/re-create attraction in your cancer man by doing all the actions told in step 1
Secondly: Once you are sure that your cancer man is strongly attached to you, now it’s time to pull away a little bit. Although you can directly pull away with men of other zodiac signs, you cannot do this to your cancer man, as it may trigger trust issues in him.
So, Just intimate that you are going on some long vacation with your family, or there was a sudden funeral you must attend. Beforehand, you also intimate that you will not be able to contact him for a few days.
Thirdly: That’s it.. Your cancer man slowly starts missing you. And when the day you pull away and stop contacting him for a few days, your man goes on an emotional roller coaster ride. He misses all the butterflies he used to feel for you, the beautiful moments he used to spend with you, your actions and everything.
In fact, the above process which I have told you is the strongest way to make a cancer man miss you. He may even get so attached to you that he may hug you so tight, once you return back.
You want to make your Cancer man miss you..
But just imagine.. what if all your attempts completely backfire and he gets even more distant.
Scary, Right? In fact, it will become the creepy nightmare and a pre-stage for your excruciating separation forever.
If you want to get your cancer man with a surefire strategy that has never resulted in failed (ever). If you want to make him miss you so strongly, that he will love you again and again forever.
Here is what to do..

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