Last Updated on September 2, 2022 by Team CrazyJackz
You both were close friends.
You spend a lot of time together.
You even hang out together.
Suddenly, while messaging her in an emotional mood she said to you the beautiful three words “I Love you”. As days pass by, she was even saying it directly.
So your mind starts wondering.. what her true intentions are..
Does she really love me? What does she mean? Is she saying I love you in just a friendly way? Or is it more? What does it mean when a female friend says I love you?
Don’t worry, Today We’ll give you a clear picture of her mind and her true intentions towards you. So brace yourself and read the article carefully.
What does it mean when a Female friend says I love you?
See, you may have already seen many websites that bombard you with some absolute nonsense, which are in no way practical. But I at crazyjackz only give you practical conclusions that are true to real life.
So coming to the point..
What does your friend mean by saying ‘I love you’ to you?
To answer this question, we may classify girls as 2 types.
- The Flirty open type girls
- The Shy closed type girls
The flirty open type girls are the ones who are confident enough to know that they are attractive. They can start a conversation with anyone easily. They can even flirt with others easily. Generally, these type of girls usually has a list of boys always chasing her and caring for her.
The other ones are the shy closed type girls. These are the ones who never (usually) the conversation starters. They have some self-doubts and thus talk to only a few people. They are hesitant about new people and are usually shy and introverted.
You may wonder, what this classification is for..
You need to understand that a woman’s true words can be understood only if you understood her entire character.
So here comes the complete answers to all your doubts…
Case 1: She is a flirty Girl and she says I love you often even without any proper reason
Remember, this type of girl is the one who is so open and can get anyone’s attention easily. Everyone knows, that saying I love you is the ultimate expression of love. So why is she saying to you without any proper reason?
For example, while closing the chat, she is saying good night with an I love you. why does she do that? In most cases, this is because she is flirting with you. In simple words, she is teasing your feelings with an expectation of you falling for her.

She may or may not like you romantically, but she is just attracting you. Generally, if you don’t reciprocate your feelings, she may soon cut you (even as a friend) and move on to others.
Case 2: She is a flirty Girl and says I love you only at some emotional moments and times
Though she may be a flirty girl, she too is a normal girl with a sensitive heart. She too has emotional moments. It was you, who was beside her when she was weak. So she might be truly expressing her feelings of friendship towards you.

In such a case, she truly treats you a friend and truly cares for you. So continue being her best friend and she will remember you for her lifetime.
Case 3: She is a shy girl and says I love you often even without any proper reason
Some girls don’t open up easily due to a number of reasons. Do you know there are still women who fear to talk freely with new men? So your friend is one such kind. But why is she openly expressing her feelings towards you?
In your case, there are large chances that your female friend has feelings for you and has fallen for you. Unable to propose to you directly, she is giving up clues that she loves you.

If not why do you think such a shy girl is saying ‘I love you’ to you without any proper reason?
Case 4: She is a shy girl and I love you only at some emotional moments and times
This is almost similar to case 2. Your friend is a shy closed girl. She doesn’t open up to anyone. She might be alone many times. But now, she completely feels your support. she even feels that you are there for her.

She truly believes that you are her true friend. She doesn’t want to miss you and truly loves you so much as a friend. However, if this continues, in the same way, there are chances that she may soon fall for you and ultimately end up loving you as a romantic partner. Read What does it mean when you keep thinking about someone?
So by now, you could have understood..
why your female friend is saying that she loves you..
Though I have completely stated how each type of woman behaves, there may be exceptions too. For example, a particular woman may think that she can express her friendship only by saying I love you.
So observe as much as possible. Clearly identify, what type of a woman she is and most importantly, in what situation is she saying I LOVE YOU..
I want to strongly warn you that any information you are about to read should not be misused. This is revealed just to get the girl you want and not be used to randomly make all women obsessed and crave for you
You are trying to figure out what your female friend thinks for you..
But there is some top classified information that many men don’t even know.
It is the biggest secret to make a woman cry for your love. It can literally make her drool for your attention.
So Here is what to do..

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