Last Updated on August 10, 2021 by Team CrazyJackz
Breakups are the most devastating things that can happen in one’s life..
All we do is think about him even our heart knows that he won’t come back.
Days pass by, but that one doubt still continues to linger in your mind.
“Does he still think about me? If so how can I know it?” Believe me, this is the article every woman must read after a breakup, so that she gets a clear clarity on whether to move on or not.
In this article, I am going to give you some clear-cut signs that prove that he still thinks about you, just like as you think about him. See Use this sneaky ‘reverse psychology’ trick on your ex
9 Clear cut Signs he still thinks about you:
See, you may have already seen many websites that bombard you with some absolute nonsense, which are in no way practical. But I at crazyJackz only give you practical conclusions that are true to real life.
- He keeps following you on all social media accounts:

Is he still following you on social media? Is he still watching your stories and liking all the posts you keep on your Instagram & Facebook? In simple, is he stalking you? Then it’s a clear sign that he is still thinking about you.
In general, when a breakup happens, any man might simply unfriend his ex and go distant from them. Contrary, if he is still following you, then this clearly shows his intense fear of losing you completely, if he ever unfriends or unfollows you. Thus a small part of him doesn’t want to lose you while the other part wants to know what you are doing. Thus he keeps following you on social media which is a clear sign that he still thinks about you.
- A sudden random “how are you” text/call:

Though he is ignoring you, if he thinks about you daily, he tends to start missing you more and more. If he thinks more, all he does is wait for your text all day. As days pass by, if there is no contact with you, he may feel emotionally unstable and thus makes a random text or a call to you.
This is why an unexpected call or text from him can be seriously considered as a clear sign that he is still thinking about you. See The simple ’12 Word text’ that will make your ex obsess over you like crazy
- His statuses say a lot:

A person’s social media statuses/stories are nothing but a reflection of his mind. Thus if he is indirectly posting something reflecting you or your relationship, it strongly shows that he is thinking about you.
Listen, this is where you may miss a crucial point. Remember… Not just the posts about missing you means that he is thinking about you, but also the posts ignoring you or criticizing you also means that he is thinking about you. For example, not only posts, such as “Feeling Lonely” “I am depressed” mean that he is missing you but also posts like “Happy being single” “In a relationship with freedom” etc also clearly reflect that he is still thinking about you.
In simple, all he wants now is your attention. Thus by posting such posts, he hopes that you would see them, miss him and respond to him finally.
- He talks about the future with you (like hanging out together):

Is he someway or the other planning future events with you? Like, let’s meet this vacation etc. Then it is an indirect sign that he is still missing you and want you back. Remember, we only plan with those ones, with whom we want to take our relationship to a next level. Read 5 Situations when a Guy says he misses you..
- His friends talk about him and behave awkwardly:

We all know that friends are the ones with whom we share everything. This applies to him too. So if he is thinking about you, chances are high that he will regularly talk about you and your relationship with his friends. This is even more obvious if you have a few common friends.
So coming to the main point, if he talks about you regularly, this makes his friends think about your relationship on a regular basis. So on the next moment, they see you, they start thinking about him and thus suddenly spill over some words about him. This awkward behavior from his friends clearly shows that he still thinks about you. See What your ex boyfriend is hiding from you
- If his anger can be clearly seen:

Anger is another most common emotion that shows that he is still thinking about you. When we don’t expect someone to come back, we naturally don’t get angry or get thinking about them. On the other hand, when he is getting angry without any reason (Just for even ignoring him) then it can be understood that he still cares and thinks for you.
- He does talk about the good old memories:

We tend to remember memories, only if we recall them regularly. On the other hand, if we don’t recall them, they fade out and soon we tend to forget them.
So if he is still talking about the sweet old memories with you, then it is a strong sign that he still thinks about you. Read What does it mean when you keep thinking about someone?
- If you’re with a new guy he gets crazy:
One of the biggest tests you can do to know whether he thinks for you or not is by triggering his jealousy. Jealousy is caused when we feel something which is ours is going to someone else.
So try being with a new guy and see if he gets jealous and angry. If yes, it clearly shows that he still feels that you belong to him and obviously might be thinking about you. But remember, not to overdo this, as it may give him a sign that you too are thinking about him.
9. He replies to “Ask me anything forward message”:

This is another acid test you can do, to figure out whether he is thinking about you or not. As you know that there will be a lot of forward messages such as “Ask me anything and I will honestly reply”. So just do it as if you are forwarding it to everyone you know (Or else you can even just post it or keep it as a status).
So if he still thinks about you, he will be waiting for a chance to get back to you. So as soon as he sees this, he right away replies back and tries to talk or ask you something. Thus this easily makes it clear that he is still thinking about you.
You are still wondering whether he is thinking about you or not.
This is a clear sign that you are subconsciously still in love with him. On the other hand, with each passing second, his chances of coming back start to fade out.
If you want to get your man back with a surefire strategy that has never resulted in failed (ever). If you want to get him back so strongly such that you both will be deeply in love again.
Here is what to do..

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Why has my ex narc kept all my belongings and won’t answer me on how I can get them back. He won’t even talk to me anymore. Yet he has all my items from my mom who has passed away.
Narcissists hate being discarded (as it directly attacks their ego). This is why many narcs come back to their old exes even years later. The same with your case too. Your narc need the narcissistic supply from you and don’t want to be discarded by you at any cost. So by keeping your mom’s belongings, he achieves this. In simple, it’s your narcissist’s way of keeping you (so that you need to turn around to him all the time) forever.
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